Tourism in the Netherlands
The Netherlands for the tourist all it wants, charming nature and the weather mild, and commercial markets are filled with art shops and the largest, and many restaurants, as well as entertainment and cafes. For lovers of art and antiques, there are more than 400 museum, and dozens of theaters that are filled with music, dance performances of all kinds, which is consistent with every taste.
The Netherlands is known as the "gateway to Europe", this label can not be overstated it, Vemoaniha linked to various European countries, across rivers, or through an elaborate network of modern roads and railways, and also by air. Airport and got "Amsterdam" international more than once on the best airport in Europe, but it includes the best of this airport huge modern, boutique, which sells a lot of goods without customs duties are distributed to forty-center inside the airport. Then the airport would be linked to every airport in the world, and is ready to serve passengers during the twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
From the airport, he moves the visitor to the city they want, whether "Amsterdam" or "The Hague" or "Rotterdam" by bus or train station for which there is at the airport. In the cities, a bus and subway trains and underground transport key, which is characterized by the system in appointments and comfort and hygiene. And get tourists to use the cards for several times in the buses and trains from bus and train stations or post offices. As for taxis, they carry big banners above to distinguish it from other cars, bearing the word taxi in a large font. All the taxi meters, and the price shown by the counter, paid by the tourist with the payment of a modest increase to the driver.
The electric trains they run between all the cities on a regular basis; do not exceed the time between each time at the most, since seven in the morning until midnight. And these trains run between major cities sometimes every ten minutes or a quarter of an hour. There are high speed trains do not stop in small towns, called (Indreasiti) and trains stop several times. Ihsol and tourist tickets to trains from the stations, and can get a train ticket valid for three or seven days, and at a reduced price, this card entitles him to use the trains in that period as he wishes, and to the extent that he wants.
There are car rental offices, such as: "Hz", and "Efes", and "Iorrukar", rented to tourists in a private car for the duration of residence, or duration of Want; provided that the pregnant international driving license. Does not exceed the authorized speed within cities fifty kilometers per hour, while it is on the highway does not exceed 110 km. The distance between the "Amsterdam" the capital and some major cities, as it is described as follows: Amsterdam - The Hague: 56 km Amsterdam - Rotterdam: 72 km, Amsterdam - Utrecht: 37 km Amsterdam - Kronenguen 188 km (city Kronenguen County Friesland in the far north) Amsterdam - Maastricht 200 km (Maastricht in the extreme south).
If the car broke down on a road between the cities, it should be the driver to communicate with the Auto Club.
In the cities of the Netherlands-filled channels, with a high offices entertaining tourists organize trips by boat is beautiful, you are roaming in the cities. And on the tourist or visitor to remember that the national tourism offices carrying banners with the letter VVV Offered to tourists all it wants, and give him advice, guidance and realizing what all his questions, and these offices were in the railway stations in city centers.
Museum "Crawler Muller"
There are more than 900 museum in the Netherlands. These museums do not exist in major cities, but also in the middle of green areas. It is diverse and reveal the rich and the Netherlands Mady present stimulus.
The most important museums:
Museum "Groningen"
The city of "Groningen", and the building of this museum masterpiece from home and abroad, and artifacts that displays is also unique, including: archeology, history, art craft, art old (Century 16 until 1950) to modern art after 1950.
Museum "Mueller Crawler":
Name (Kr? Ller Müller Museum), located in national park Nationaal park de Hoge Veluwe)), the city "Ootrlo" ((Otterlo, known for this museum in particular the composition of "Van Gogh", which reflect them, but you'll find it also works from painters known, like "Mondrian" and "Picasso." sculptures in the park surrounding the museum are sculptures from artists like "Hepworth", "Rodin", "Marini," and "Moore".
Museum "Maurts House":
Name (Mauritshuis). The city of "The Hague", there is a group that procured the royal family in the building of the most beautiful buildings in the classical doctrine of the Netherlands. And the Museum "Maurts House" is known in particular his collection from the internationally famous Dutch painters of the century 17. 7:00.
Museum Natorales:
Name (Naturalis), The city of "Leiden" (Leiden), which is a contemporary long history. Strange view about the nature in the past and present. Diverse young people and adults, fun and education, change and constant renewal.
National Museum:
Name (Rijksmuseum), there is the city of "Amsterdam" (Amsterdam). This museum is the most important and largest museum in the Netherlands, and contains
National Museum
A wide variety of art objects. This is the only museum in the Netherlands, which provides a complete overview of the history of the Netherlands. ).
Museum ", the Buwimans Boningen":
Name (Boijmans Van Beuningen), The city of "Rotterdam" (Rotterdam), and you'll find in this museum sums of Fine Arts, oil paintings of the fourteenth century until the twentieth century with the work of painters such as "van Eyck," "Bush" and "the Brochl. " And you'll find it next to modern art from the end of the nineteenth century, the arts and crafts designs.).
Museum "Van Gogh":
Name (Van Gogh museum). The city of "Amsterdam" (Amsterdam). Can not you see - anywhere in the world
Museum "Van Gogh"
Such a large number of paintings, "Van Gogh" collected in one place. The museum established by a group of about 200 paintings and about 500 drawings, "van Gogh" and his contemporaries. : 00.
Museum of the South Sea:
Name (zuiderzeemuseum). The city of "Inkhausn" (Enkhuizen), and contains a museum inside and outside the Museum, gives an idea of the living and working in the area surrounding the former South Sea (the dried sea and became the plains), after nearly 100 years. On the island of children are being focused on the coexistence of the past, for example, through Toys Old Dutch.
Recreation Areas
There are a thousand ways and a way to spend the day entertaining and fun with the family in one of the many theme parks scattered throughout the Netherlands, or in zoos or places of entertainment. This interesting places for large and small, regardless of the weather.
Abound in the period between the months of April and October the first group tourist trips to scenic spots, such as: lake areas, or areas of mills, or areas of flowers charming, or to different cities with guides leading these groups to have walked, with her explanation in several languages. The Netherlands is one of water, dotted with lakes, dotted with beautiful places that delight the eyes, and put the inmates in the hotel stay programs to participate in this daily flights.
In the same period, deliver a fun tourist visiting the coastal cities that are considered to Holndein resorts and European cities such as: "Skhaevnngen" close to "The Hague", and "Zandfuhrd", and "Noordwijk" and others. That these resorts full of movement, and rich in large and small hotels, and clubs and casinos. Also in this period, many active theaters of music, classical performances, and this offer to Hoadtha and all that they hoped to resonate, and the cinemas, they also abound, and sets out the various films and in various languages.
There are museums that do not match in its diversity. And an estimated four hundred museum, and is frequented by lovers of the arts with enthusiasm; to see the work of painters Netherlands immortal, such as: "Rembrandt" and "Hulse" and "Vermeer" and "Van Gogh" and others. And wander in the large parks, and gardens "Almadora long" in " The Hague ", and (Alivtlnj) near the city of" Tilburg ", things must not miss visiting the Netherlands.
Educational flowers that look excelled in Dutch special skill, and surpassed by all peoples, in the beautiful manifestations in those parks, and open fields, which extends along the sight in coastal areas. The private gardens with tourists, miniature models of the achievements of the country's advanced technology and industrial areas in various physical, social, scientific, agricultural and mixed all of this, forest areas filled on every tourist Joinha, colors and charm. Nature in the Netherlands, a combination of all adore the eye, and delights him self, and the Dutch know how to care for and protect it from risks.
Switzerland Tourism summer and winter and accessible to all
After the wealthy are able only to visit Switzerland, Geneva and vacation to the Mediterranean because of the high cost of travel and residence, tourism has become today are accessible to many tourists, having held the concerned authorities cut a few flights with and include tickets, train and accommodation in hotels, meals, mountain climbing and other commensurate with the ability of middle-income and especially the youth. There are many activities in Switzerland suitable for young people, contrary to what some think, so you can engage in a hobby ski year-round, mountain climbing and walking in the forest and the practice of different sports.
Featured Trips Wimkn trips by movement between parts of Switzerland using non-traditional means of transport such as bicycles and motorcycles. This would be an extraordinary experience, where the image can be imbued in mind that Switzerland is a country of young people and adventures, not just a tourist haven attracts millionaires and princes and kings of the world only.
* Aircraft, trains and hotel and restaurant
* Integrated elements that enable any visitor to Switzerland to spend a holiday period of one week, at least at prices no more than the rest of the European countries that were not the best and less in some cases, especially with the rise in prices continued in the countries covered by the European Union or what is known as the euro zone.
Begin the journey to Switzerland, the company's interest in the tanker, and is a «Swiss International Airlines» The most important means of transport for the country, with a number of countries with access to aircraft of «Swiss Airlines» 42 countries, with more than 81 aircraft fleet for variety. The Middle East and the Gulf states in particular of the most important areas served by aircraft of «Swiss Airlines» where the number of weekly flights 25 flights, including 5 trips to Egypt, 7 to Dubai, and 3 to Amman, and 3 to Jeddah, and 3 to Riyadh, and this flights heading to the airports in Zurich, Geneva and Basel.
* Adjust your watch on the train, Swiss
* «If you visit Switzerland was not installed one of its trains luxury pejorative not had» the argument can say to all who visited this country without have the chance to ride one of the trains that connect across Switzerland to each other because he will have lost a lot of fun if it did not have such opportunities. In fact, you will not be needed more than 250 dollars where you can buy an open ticket by moving them through luxury trains between cities and resorts of Switzerland and for the entire week.
For a country as watches, the precision is clear in the schedule of trains run more than one company in particular where appointments per minute, and you can say who you «Set your watch on the train times Swiss» a fact that there is no room for deception in, especially that the accuracy of up to 98% of the movement of trains annual .
* Geneva global financial capital
* Geneva is Switzerland's financial capital and also the world where a lot of financial institutions and global banks, headquartered along with many international organizations, which favored the establishment of major centers in Switzerland for decades because of political neutrality and is known as a city of world peace.
Geneva is home to more than 200 governmental and non-governmental organizations and more than 150 diplomatic missions, as well as being home to many of the humanitarian organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. GCC tourists accounted for 5 per cent of the total number of tourists visiting the city of Geneva, for a term of residence between 7 to 8 nights as well as high rates of expenditure which they are known by.
And Saudi Arabia is almost half the number of tourists visiting the Gulf to Geneva, followed by Kuwait and the UAE, where is the period from mid-July (July) to mid-September (September) are more popular times to visit Geneva before them.
* Cheaper hotels
* There has an increase in the number of hotels of category two and three-star was added 700 rooms economic in the last year to the total number of rooms absorb hotels in Geneva and this can be Visitor of renting a room price of 90 Swiss francs (about 60 euros) per night with Get discounts better if stay for more than 3 nights. Geneva and includes about 140 hotels of various categories ranging from celebrities and even the five-star Super Deluxe, which contains more than 14 000 beds.
* Lake «Le Mans»
* Because Switzerland is a country of lakes, Geneva is located on one of the most important of these lakes is Lake «Le Mans» famous, where tourists can take a trip on the lake where there is a fountain of Geneva's famous, which is considered a symbol of historical and cultural being of the highest fountains of the world.
* Crans Montana
* «Crans Montana» is one of the most beautiful areas in Switzerland, which lies at the heart of the famous Alps at an altitude of over 1500 meters from the surface of the earth where nature and breathtaking scenery that is hijacked at first sight.
And access to the «Crans Montana» easy access via train from the city of Geneva on a trip does not take more than two hours through the city «Sierre undergoing» but you will not feel the time because of breathtaking natural beauty.
* Featured Hotels
* Grand Hotel or GRAND HOTEL DU GOLF is one of the oldest hotels «Crans Montana» and most luxurious Its history dating to 1914, by more than 90 years and is the most famous in the beautiful city because of its history and elegance, elegance, and the number of celebrities who were received over its long history. He indicated that the Kuwaitis come at the forefront of Gulf tourists who visit the «Crans Montana» where this hotel is always residency status, which lasts for up to two times.
The hotel offers Arabic television channels, the space within the package daily programs as well as the availability of rooms that could open up on each other, thus providing additional space for large families as well as adding a new extension of the hotel is large apartments and chalets, the services of hotel, a section the most popular of the Gulf in general and the Kuwaiti In particular, especially because it overlooks the golf course.
The hotel has 80 luxurious rooms and suites, 3 restaurants, a place reserved for a good time on the golf course which is one of the most characteristic being the home of Montana that game. It also includes perpetuating «Crans Montana» a variety of hotels to 46 by more than 7 thousands of apartments with more than 36 000 beds and approximately 80 coveted, 15 Cafe and 13 mountain restaurants, 7 nightclubs and a cinema one.
* Golf and ski
* The famous «the Crans Montana» as the best place for skiing in Switzerland and the best in golf and that being the longest distances for skiing as well as a larger number of venues.
The «Crans Montana» more from warmer places in Switzerland, even in winter periods, the maximum temperature of not less than 3 or 4 degrees Celsius, making it appropriate for Gulf tourists who prefer not to extreme cold.
* «Matterhorn» highest in the Alps «Zermatt», or ZERMATT, is a small village beautiful lies at an altitude higher than «Crans Montana» (1620 meters), and a population of 5500, and is striking in this village use people electric cars only and up to about 450 cars and buses in order to preserve the environment, and the «Zermatt» gained its fame because of its presence in a vast mountain tops European most famous summit MATTERHORN (Matterhorn), famous by up to a height of 4478 meters which have been climbing for the first time in history by more of 139 years.
* «Zermatt» in the summer
* The visit «Zermatt» summer distinctive so as not to exceed the temperature in summer in which more than 25 degrees Celsius as well as other benefits and that the most important gardens and children's playgrounds, horse riding and hiking are processed for the grill as well as soccer and tennis and the possibility of skiing throughout the year and visit the natural reserves, are characterized by «Zermatt» a large number of mountain restaurants are those kind of restaurants that exist between the tops of the mountains, where you can eat your meal and favorite dishes of the famous Swiss or European and you enjoy the view of these magnificent peaks.
* «To Usern» History tourist
* To Usern or LUZERN, the capital of the canton (province) of the same name where it is known that Switzerland is divided into a series of cantons or provinces, and date back to the beautiful city to the year 1830 and the city began to grow and develop both in terms of a population or Amknyatea tourism.
* Mountain «Reggie»
* From «to Usern» You can drive to the mountains «Reggie» or RIGI that prides itself on being the first mountain peaks that can rise to it by train, which is considered the first of its kind in Europe, and the second to level the world, dating back more than 140 years. And high summit «Reggie» surface of the earth about 6 thousand feet, one of the most beautiful mountain peaks not only in Switzerland but in Europe and the world as a whole.
Featured Trips Wimkn trips by movement between parts of Switzerland using non-traditional means of transport such as bicycles and motorcycles. This would be an extraordinary experience, where the image can be imbued in mind that Switzerland is a country of young people and adventures, not just a tourist haven attracts millionaires and princes and kings of the world only.
* Aircraft, trains and hotel and restaurant
* Integrated elements that enable any visitor to Switzerland to spend a holiday period of one week, at least at prices no more than the rest of the European countries that were not the best and less in some cases, especially with the rise in prices continued in the countries covered by the European Union or what is known as the euro zone.
Begin the journey to Switzerland, the company's interest in the tanker, and is a «Swiss International Airlines» The most important means of transport for the country, with a number of countries with access to aircraft of «Swiss Airlines» 42 countries, with more than 81 aircraft fleet for variety. The Middle East and the Gulf states in particular of the most important areas served by aircraft of «Swiss Airlines» where the number of weekly flights 25 flights, including 5 trips to Egypt, 7 to Dubai, and 3 to Amman, and 3 to Jeddah, and 3 to Riyadh, and this flights heading to the airports in Zurich, Geneva and Basel.
* Adjust your watch on the train, Swiss
* «If you visit Switzerland was not installed one of its trains luxury pejorative not had» the argument can say to all who visited this country without have the chance to ride one of the trains that connect across Switzerland to each other because he will have lost a lot of fun if it did not have such opportunities. In fact, you will not be needed more than 250 dollars where you can buy an open ticket by moving them through luxury trains between cities and resorts of Switzerland and for the entire week.
For a country as watches, the precision is clear in the schedule of trains run more than one company in particular where appointments per minute, and you can say who you «Set your watch on the train times Swiss» a fact that there is no room for deception in, especially that the accuracy of up to 98% of the movement of trains annual .
* Geneva global financial capital
* Geneva is Switzerland's financial capital and also the world where a lot of financial institutions and global banks, headquartered along with many international organizations, which favored the establishment of major centers in Switzerland for decades because of political neutrality and is known as a city of world peace.
Geneva is home to more than 200 governmental and non-governmental organizations and more than 150 diplomatic missions, as well as being home to many of the humanitarian organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. GCC tourists accounted for 5 per cent of the total number of tourists visiting the city of Geneva, for a term of residence between 7 to 8 nights as well as high rates of expenditure which they are known by.
And Saudi Arabia is almost half the number of tourists visiting the Gulf to Geneva, followed by Kuwait and the UAE, where is the period from mid-July (July) to mid-September (September) are more popular times to visit Geneva before them.
* Cheaper hotels
* There has an increase in the number of hotels of category two and three-star was added 700 rooms economic in the last year to the total number of rooms absorb hotels in Geneva and this can be Visitor of renting a room price of 90 Swiss francs (about 60 euros) per night with Get discounts better if stay for more than 3 nights. Geneva and includes about 140 hotels of various categories ranging from celebrities and even the five-star Super Deluxe, which contains more than 14 000 beds.
* Lake «Le Mans»
* Because Switzerland is a country of lakes, Geneva is located on one of the most important of these lakes is Lake «Le Mans» famous, where tourists can take a trip on the lake where there is a fountain of Geneva's famous, which is considered a symbol of historical and cultural being of the highest fountains of the world.
* Crans Montana
* «Crans Montana» is one of the most beautiful areas in Switzerland, which lies at the heart of the famous Alps at an altitude of over 1500 meters from the surface of the earth where nature and breathtaking scenery that is hijacked at first sight.
And access to the «Crans Montana» easy access via train from the city of Geneva on a trip does not take more than two hours through the city «Sierre undergoing» but you will not feel the time because of breathtaking natural beauty.
* Featured Hotels
* Grand Hotel or GRAND HOTEL DU GOLF is one of the oldest hotels «Crans Montana» and most luxurious Its history dating to 1914, by more than 90 years and is the most famous in the beautiful city because of its history and elegance, elegance, and the number of celebrities who were received over its long history. He indicated that the Kuwaitis come at the forefront of Gulf tourists who visit the «Crans Montana» where this hotel is always residency status, which lasts for up to two times.
The hotel offers Arabic television channels, the space within the package daily programs as well as the availability of rooms that could open up on each other, thus providing additional space for large families as well as adding a new extension of the hotel is large apartments and chalets, the services of hotel, a section the most popular of the Gulf in general and the Kuwaiti In particular, especially because it overlooks the golf course.
The hotel has 80 luxurious rooms and suites, 3 restaurants, a place reserved for a good time on the golf course which is one of the most characteristic being the home of Montana that game. It also includes perpetuating «Crans Montana» a variety of hotels to 46 by more than 7 thousands of apartments with more than 36 000 beds and approximately 80 coveted, 15 Cafe and 13 mountain restaurants, 7 nightclubs and a cinema one.
* Golf and ski
* The famous «the Crans Montana» as the best place for skiing in Switzerland and the best in golf and that being the longest distances for skiing as well as a larger number of venues.
The «Crans Montana» more from warmer places in Switzerland, even in winter periods, the maximum temperature of not less than 3 or 4 degrees Celsius, making it appropriate for Gulf tourists who prefer not to extreme cold.
* «Matterhorn» highest in the Alps «Zermatt», or ZERMATT, is a small village beautiful lies at an altitude higher than «Crans Montana» (1620 meters), and a population of 5500, and is striking in this village use people electric cars only and up to about 450 cars and buses in order to preserve the environment, and the «Zermatt» gained its fame because of its presence in a vast mountain tops European most famous summit MATTERHORN (Matterhorn), famous by up to a height of 4478 meters which have been climbing for the first time in history by more of 139 years.
* «Zermatt» in the summer
* The visit «Zermatt» summer distinctive so as not to exceed the temperature in summer in which more than 25 degrees Celsius as well as other benefits and that the most important gardens and children's playgrounds, horse riding and hiking are processed for the grill as well as soccer and tennis and the possibility of skiing throughout the year and visit the natural reserves, are characterized by «Zermatt» a large number of mountain restaurants are those kind of restaurants that exist between the tops of the mountains, where you can eat your meal and favorite dishes of the famous Swiss or European and you enjoy the view of these magnificent peaks.
* «To Usern» History tourist
* To Usern or LUZERN, the capital of the canton (province) of the same name where it is known that Switzerland is divided into a series of cantons or provinces, and date back to the beautiful city to the year 1830 and the city began to grow and develop both in terms of a population or Amknyatea tourism.
* Mountain «Reggie»
* From «to Usern» You can drive to the mountains «Reggie» or RIGI that prides itself on being the first mountain peaks that can rise to it by train, which is considered the first of its kind in Europe, and the second to level the world, dating back more than 140 years. And high summit «Reggie» surface of the earth about 6 thousand feet, one of the most beautiful mountain peaks not only in Switzerland but in Europe and the world as a whole.
Different Forms of Tourism
With the introduction of e-commerce or online business, tourism products have become one of the most traded items on the internet. Today, it is easy as ever to buy an airline ticket, a tourism package or even planning your own trip from where you sleep to where you eat and shop. There are even websites that help you plan your own tour or you can buy directly from the separate hotels and airlines to do it without the intermediaries. As it has grown more convenient to plan and go on a tour, there has been an up market trend in the tourism all over the world over the last decade.
Most of the top visited countries are on the European continent along with the United States and China. Since most of the tourists are people with high level of disposable income, having a popular tourist site greatly benefits the country's economy. With this fact know, many countries offer cheaper and simpler way of travel within their country and even a set policy for tourists. Along with that, the development of technology in transportation, such as making a bigger and faster airplane, resulting in many low-cost airlines along with easier access to buying tickets online made many different types of tourism more affordable and more accessible. Though there has been set backs at certain tourist attraction sites due to terrorist threats and environmental issues, the tourism market still stands as one of the strongest market in the world.
Today, with the easier access to travel, many different types and forms of travel emerged. Though it still carries the traditional form of traveling to a different place, the usual purpose of site seeing has become more specialized. There is something called an Eco-tourism where people travel to seek out a new way of life, mostly pro-nature type of life, where they will be more helpful towards the environment. Another type of tourism is Medical tourism. There are many different reasons behind this type of tourism.
Most of the medical tourists travel because they are seeking a cheaper medical treatment along with some sightseeing as well. Most of this is due to the different medical insurance policy around the globe. People from countries that offer public health care insurance go to countries without public health care since they get what they pay for, but people from countries without health care travel to get a cheaper and affordable treatment along with a better regulatory system.
Other tourism trends include celebrity tourism, where tourists will do leisure activities which involve showbiz events and some popular film sites, educational tourism, where people travel to gain knowledge overseas about the different cultures and ideas to gain more insight. Some people go on what is called an adventure tourism where they hire a local citizen to see how the locals view the tourist sites. With all the different types and methods of travel, it seems like it only gets better for the travelers each day, so why not go online and check out what is offered to you. You might find something just for you.
Tourism in Canada
Its capital is Ottawa. It consists of the country of thirteen states and the District, the Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon and Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Canada is a democratic, federal,
Canada is the second largest country in the world in terms of area and Canada suffer from a lack of population in spite of the enormous natural wealth.
Canada is one of the seven major industrial countries and one of the world's most developed and economically developed and most economical for job opportunities in all areas.
Level of education and health services in Canada is the finest in the world in addition to education and health services free of charge.
Canada is a modern population of about 30 million people and may make up this number, most of successive migratory Canada, where Canada has the immigrants from all over the world also depends Canada on immigration to increase the number of the population, so the Canada welcomed migrants is a very strong tradition in Canadian life stems mainly from the Canadian Constitution and the nature of the population.
Immigrant has since the first day of his arrival in Canada of all fundamental rights enjoyed by Canadians (except the right to vote and who gets it after obtaining citizenship)
any immigrant can apply for Canadian citizenship, and therefore Canadian passport after three years of residence in Canada.
The official languages of Canada are English and French language
About the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Hanging Gardens of Babylon were testimony to the ability of one man to create a botanical oasis of beauty amid bleak desert landscape, against all laws of nature. Find King Nebuchadnezzar gardens as a sign of respect for his wife Simrames that, according to legend, was nice to forests, flowers and home. The gardens and surrounded by an intermediate Laketan the city and a water ditch to repel the invading armies. There remains doubt, however, between historians and archaeologists for the fact that there is this paradise never lost, as the excavation of Babylon did not find an impact believe it.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon one of the seven wonders of the world and was surrounded by a moat of water, which Nebuchadnezzar built the Queen Omiyetia which was eager for home gardens and Media. Was built almost 600 years BC. M. In Babylon in Iraq, the current
In the middle of the desert of Mesopotamia arid, Hanging Gardens of Babylon were testimony to the ability of one man to build an oasis of beauty botanical center blues desert landscape, against all the laws, And there is no doubt in the presence of parks, gardens are not actually hanging, also known as Semiramis hanging gardens.
The word Babylon means in Akkadian (the door of God) and for the outstanding gardens of 8 gates and was Ofajmha Ishtar Gate.
The garden of beauty and scenic splendor entering the fun and pleasure to the human heart when you look at them and planted all kinds of trees, vegetables, fruits and flowers and remain productive throughout the year and because of the trees Last summer and winter, and distributed by the statues of all sizes in all types of garden.
King has been used to build these gardens the prisoners who brought the Jews of the Levant at that time and enable them to work day and night,
There was a large statue of the Iraqi Museum represents this incident
But after the recent war were robbed of this statue is very large which is the first stolen from the Museum.
Find King Nebuchadnezzar gardens as a sign of respect for his wife Simrames that, according to legend, yearned for the forests, flowers and home. The gardens and surrounded by an intermediate Laketan the city and a water ditch to repel the invading armies.
And was named outstanding as they grew on the verandas of the palaces and the royal palace balcony in Babylon around 600 BC
About Tourism in Dubai
Why most of the international tourists prefer their tours to Dubai? What is the secret behind the growth of Dubai Tourism? The answer is same. It is just because the name of the place of 'Dubai'. Dubai is the wonderful amalgamation of soaring sky scrapers and sand dunes. City mirrors culture and art on one hand and spectacular attractions on other hand.
Dubai, the heaven of tourist remains as an important tourist hotspot. Apart from a city of excitement, Dubai is also a city of surprises. For the past several years, Dubai Tourism is decorating a top most position in the economy of Dubai. Dubai tourism offers a long string of sports and entertainment to select from. Bird watching, sand skiing, excursions, safaris, wonderland, Wild Wadi, Dhow Cruise and Dubai Summer Surprises are only a few pearls in this string. Golf is the most famous sport of Dubai and hence it holds innumerable golf courses such as Arabian Ranches Golf Club, Dubai Country Club etc. Dubai tourism offers top-class nightlife with excellent dining and wining choices.
It offers a glance of glorious past of the city. Different historical venues covered by the tourism depict the rich culture and heritage of the city. Dubai museum in Al Fahidi Fort, Bait Al Wakeel, Heritage House, and Sheikh Saeed's House Burj Nagar will provide the tourists evidences of the same.
Dubai tourism glitters with all the facilities for tourists. Beaches shining with sun kissing sands, internationally recognized hotels, cocktail bars, night clubs and amusement parks gift the tourist with unforgettable and heavenly moments. Shopping has become the valuable and interesting part of Dubai tourism. Very low taxes for electronic and house hold appliances magnetize the tourists towards modern shopping malls, electronic shops and boutiques.
Some world famous events and tournaments like Dubai World Cup, Dubai Shopping Festival, Dubai Tennis Championship, Dubai Desert Classis etc. resulted in the blooming of Dubai Tourism. At present Dubai is one of the highest revenue providers of Emirates.
Apart from holiday makers and tourist, several people visits this city for reasons varying from employment to business and others. This segment of Dubai's population contributed the growth of real estate sector of the city. Dubai has opened its door to the travelers and job seekers round the globe.
Millions of tourists are flying to Dubai to enjoy the incredible and stunning beauty of the city every year. It makes each moments of the tourist thrilling with unmatched entertainments. Breathtaking views of beaches and mind-blowing scenes of Dubai in night never lay the visitor in loneliness. Plan the tour to Dubai, heaven built on earth, is there to greet you with all delicious ingredients of the city. is an online directory offering information about all the Dubai travel and tours companies. If you are planning to visit Dubai, this directory will help you in finding all information related to Dubai tourism. Exclusive business portal for UAE companies, UAE Airlines, industries and Dubai Business. Find business offers and trade leads in UAE. Advertise your products and services for free.
Great Wall of China
Great Wall of China, is a miracle among the most prominent of the seven wonders of the world old and new. Which is the tallest building ever in history, with an estimated length of approximately 6400 square kilometers, and built all by hand.
Work has begun on the first of the fourth century BC, probably, and continued until the beginning of the seventeenth century AD.
The Chinese built a wall to protect their northern border from invaders.
And extending the wall between the north China's east coast and north-central China. The eastern end is located in Shanhaiguan, a village near the city of Qinhuangdao. In the west, should end near the village of Jyayoiqguan.
One of the most prominent tourist sites in China and the world, as it annually visited by millions of people from all parts of the world, for the landmark building from the date of the human, reflecting the intelligence of human genius and creativity.
Says historical records, that in the second century BC and the first Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang Petty and linking the border fences of the various republics to become the Great Wall of China.
During the more than 1000 years after it was prolonging the Great Wall of China and restored in different periods, even extended to thousands of kilometers.
Built the first parts of the fence in the Spring and fall between 770-476 BC, and in the Warring States Period of 475-221 BC.
The Badaling section, which is located province to Beijing's Yanqing, about two hours drive from central Beijing, the most famous sectors between tourists and visitors to the wall Chinese and foreigners. With a length of 3741 meters, and height of 8 meters on average, the highest increase by up to 15 meters, and the total length of the parts can be had from this section of the fence is 19 thousand square meters.
This was part of the Great Wall of China among the first parts, which officially opened for the visit.
Statistics indicate that around 130 million visitors, of whom almost 14 million foreign, have visited this sector of the fence since its official opening in 1954, including Heads of State and Governments, politicians, intellectuals and public figures famous literary, artistic, sports, and others.
Said by late leader Mao Zedong, "It is not up (or not laser) Wall of China, it is not a real man."
Add this site to the World Heritage List by UNESCO, the Organization for the hybrid, in 1987.
It is best to visit the famous tourist site from 7 am to 5:30 pm daily, the taxi enter between 40 to 45 yuan Chinia (5-6 dollars or so). Can get to this location quite easily either by car or taxi bus that drives many of them from several yards and stations in Beijing and at very low wages.
When you climb the fence built much of rock large rectangle, which amounts to an average height of eight meters and width of 6 meters inevitably be met with a lot of Chinese and ask you to take a commemorative photograph with them on the stairs of the wall opposite is common, where it asks tourists always take photos with the people of the country, but because the Chinese proud of their heritage and like to record Friends of the country through the pictures and said to me «ENI», who wore a dress of traditional Chinese side of her friend and also taken a commemorative photograph clothes veterans and behind the Great Wall to believe anyone who watches the image that girls wives of veterans Alemradin Wall time attacks of nomadic tribes.
During a trip to climb the fence to reach the platform of the city wall, which resembles Little Castle which is located at a distance of 300 to 500 meters you will find a balcony wall on the outer side of the surface at altitudes of 1.7 m and the holes for the control and holes of fire, but the platform is composed of two floors in the upper floor vents control and the other to fire. On the underside lived soldiers defending the city and stored grain, equipment and military equipment as well.
And clear strategic locations along the fence line where the forts and towers warning for the transfer of information, news and issue orders and directives by raising the smoke from spark Ruth wolves, according to our tour guide «Joe» his name in the foreign is not the Chinese also told us also that subscribe to the fence construction about 1.0005 million thousand soldiers and a civilian for the construction of the fence during the reign of Emperor «Qinshihuang» has been building the fence in the desert areas of materials consisting of salicylic given the scarcity of rocks and yellow brick, but in the areas of Plateau, the soil built for dust Almdcock or mud-brick, but at least as strong as the wall west China, the construction of the wall in the Ming Dynasty was a brick or a rock or a mix of rocks, bricks and there is a channel for water drainage at the top of the wall for rainwater drainage and automatically protect the wall, which tourists can see the most beautiful landscapes, which calls for reflection and lucidity of the highest peak.
There are other parts of the fence does not know a lot of tourists by something like the sector «Huang Huacheng» located 60 km from the city of Beijing in the north-west province of Huairou, although the sector lower sections of the fence Fame, but it was a sector of the fence the original pure states Tobath be installed and stone soup of rice, making it solid and impregnable. Despite the collapse of and damage to many parts of the fence, but its path and balconies, towers it is still full and some have remained in a healthy state as it was in ancient times and engraving on one of rocks leading chopped from the Chinese writing «Jane Tang» meaning «Fort solid» so-called sector «Huang Huacheng »sur« Jane Tang »also, who was a length of more than 10 thousand square meters where the mountains meet the water as they go in the middle of a lake to a depth of tens of meters.
Visiting the Great Wall discovered at the end of his visit to the greatness of a people is embodied in its effects, which tells the history of periods of time sequence and the construction of this wall not only to defend the country but was Msheedih outlook that it would be a major cause of China's opening to other countries and one of the economic resources of the country.
It is said that Great Wall of China is the only building which can be seen from space.
About the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Located Tower of Pisa in Italy, the city of Pisa in the state of Tuscany, construction started in 1175 AD, and lasted for building 174 in, known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa to the presence of Milan by the deviation from the vertical plane, consisting of eight floors, built of white marble Roman-style, up 54.5 meters the view of a staircase built inside the walls consisting of 300 degrees, (currently equipped with an electric elevator), and the Tower of Pisa is one of the wonders of the world.
Tendency is clearly visible with a about 18 feet (the tendency for more than five degrees), and said that the reason for this inclination is slack, and the decline in the soil it is built tower. The back of this inclination since the early stages of building this tower, but the architects have continued to build on the basis of the same inclination, and in 1275 AD when they were building a combined fourth and fifth of the tower tried to architects moved the center of the tower to avoid the inclination, but seems they did not succeed so, and yet are attempts to stop the inclination and by establishing the pillars of dolly.
Since 1990 in the last century the tower was closed to prevent tourists from climbing because it may collapse at any moment.
Tower of Pisa was associated with the world famous Italian Galileo Galilei Galileo and his experience in the acceleration of Earth.
Height of the tower is 55 meters above the ground. The estimated mass to 14,500 tons. The current tendency is estimated at 5.5 degrees, and the tower 294 degrees.
Construction of the tower in August 9, 1173 AD. After the construction of the third floor in 1178, money the tower and construction work was stopped for a century. In 1272, the construction of four additional floors to amend the inclination angle. Realization and stopped again in 1301. And in 1372 built another floor and put the bell in the tower.
There is disagreement about the identity of the architect, who built the Leaning Tower of Pisa. For years, the Bonanno Pisanu is built by the architect, an artist known from the twelfth century of Pisa, famous bronze with his works, especially in the Cathedral of Pisa. Construction of the tower which was started in 1174 by Bonanno Pizano, was completed after a long pause at the hands of Giovanni Pisanu was in the second half of the fourteenth century by Tommaso di Andrea Pisanu.
The story goes that Galileo Galilei dropped balls (cannon) women with different masses of the tower to demonstrate that the speed of their fall does not depend on Ktlhma. This story, although it is on the tongue of a pupil of Galileo, is largely false.
Benito Mussolini ordered the tower to be vertical position, Vtm poured cement foundations. The result was unexpected and made the tower dive more in the soil.
During World War II, U.S. military destroyed all the towers at Pisa about fear of the possibility of snipers in the towers. The bombing of the tower of Pisa is also planned; but the decision came at the last minute to pull out the tower was saved from destruction.
On February 27, 1964, requested the Italian government aid to prevent the tower from falling. Was appointed a multilateral group of engineers, mathematicians, historians, and they met in the Azores islands to discuss how to install it. After several decades of research and work on the subject, the tower was closed to visitors in January 1990. After a decade of efforts to patch and the installation was re-opened the doors to visitors in December 15, 2001. Been proposed several ways to install the tower including the addition of 800 metric tons of lead counterweights to the party or high from the base of the tower. The ultimate solution to correct the inclination was to remove 38 cubic meters of soil from under the party of high Hadpalberg. The tower was declared a "stable" for three hundred years later, at least.
At least two people jumped from the tower using a parachute (parachute) are Mike McCarthy in the August 5, 1988 and (Boston Globe in August 6, 1988), Arne Arthus in the February 1, 2000
In order to maintain the tower had been built several pillars and scaffolding on the exterior as a precautionary measure to temporarily prevent it from falling.
Trying a large number of the worlds most famous architects in solving the problem of the tower which is one of the most difficult engineering problems to maintain the form of Leaning Tower.
Tourism in Italy
Is a European country located in Southern Europe. Italy is composed of three basic parts, the land in relation to Europe, and the two islands are Sicily and Sardinia. Italy from the north limits of the Alps, and there within the Italian territory two independent countries, the Vatican and San Marino.

Romanian people was formed in the old eighth or ninth century BC, when northern tribes came to the depth of the Italian peninsula to settle at the river Tiber. For several centuries, over time, Rome was the most important city in the western world, when the imperial capital of Romania. With the advent of the call and spread of Christianity, Rome became the center of the Christian faith and the seat of the popes of the Catholic Church. In the Middle Ages, especially after the decline of the empire Romanian, entered the era of darkness. Shining star again in the Renaissance and have become artists and writers in Italy the political capital of Europe.
Italy is today's fifth largest economic power in the world, one of the eight industrialized countries of the Group of G8.
Italy is famous for its art, culture and diet. Of the most famous landmarks Leaning Tower of Pisa, is included Colosseum in Rome and canals of Venice (Venice). Italian cuisine is one of the most kitchens in the world famous varieties in pasta and pizza. Italy has also Boziaha, theater, literature, music, Nbivha and many others. After Paris, Milan is the fashion capital of the world.
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Located Tower of Pisa in Italy, the city of Pisa in the state of Tuscany, construction started in 1175 AD, and lasted for building 174 a year, known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa to the presence of Milan by the deviation from the vertical plane, consisting of eight floors, built of white marble Roman-style, up 54.5 meters the view of a staircase built inside the walls consisting of 300 degrees, (currently equipped with an electric elevator).
Tendency is clearly visible with a about 18 feet (the tendency for more than five degrees), and said that the reason for this inclination is slack, and the decline in the soil it is built tower. The back of this inclination since the early stages of building this tower, but the architects have continued to build on the basis of the same inclination, and in 1275 AD when they were building a combined fourth and fifth of the tower tried to architects moved the center of the tower to avoid the inclination, but seems they did not succeed so, and yet are attempts to stop the inclination and by establishing the pillars of dolly.
Included Colosseum
included Roman Colosseum, a giant in the city center of Rome can originally about 45000-50000 scenes. The arena was used in fighting wrestlers (Algeladiatorz) and public competitions. Construction was initiated between 70 and 72 AD under the reign of Emperor Vespasian and was completed mainly year 80 during the reign of Titus, but has some additional changes during the reign of Domitian.
Venice in Italy
is the most famous cities of the world and the most bizarre and departure from the ordinary. Includes the debtor Venice, about 120 islands in the Adriatic Sea and its channels instead of the streets. The city's population and uses boats instead of cars, buses, taxis and trucks;. And includes the city of Abannkadip also part of the main Italian mainland. , With a population of about 332.775 people.
Helped the high-art architecture of Venice to become a major tourist center. And the city is also one of the largest Italian ports of space. , Venice, Venice, the capital of a territory twenty-political in Italy.
Tourism in Turkey
Turkey is a country or from one of civilizations across the Middle East brought the most beautiful for tourists from different nationalities and due to its diversity of natural and geographical and cultural.
The advantage of Turkey is located in each of the continents of Europe and Asia, so as to fall nearly 3% of the area of the country In the far eastern edge of southern Europe, and is called Thrace, the capital city of Istanbul, the largest cities of Turkey in this region, while the remainder of the area of Turkey from the east it covers a wide area of a mountainous peninsula called Anatolia or Asia Minor, as well as limiting all of Turkey, Bulgaria in the north-west and Greece to the west, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iran in the east.
Iraq and Syria to the south and the Black Sea is located on the north from Turkey, the capital Ankara and the most important Cities where Istanbul, Izmir and Antioch.
By studying the climate of the country shows that it varies from region to region, where winter is mild and rainy in each of Thrace and coastal areas which are located in southern and western Anatolia Plateau, while characterized by the summer around here heat, drought and high temperature in summer on the shores of the Aegean Sea while on the coast Black Sea, the summer season is less heat.
Available Turkey road network a strong link between all the cities and less than 2% of the total population in Turkey have their own cars as the majority travel by buses, trains or taxis, and linking the railway network between the cities of Turkey and extend lines of airline-owned Government to cover the many cities of Turkey and the European and the Middle East and Turkey, issued in more than 1000 daily newspapers and owns most of the Turkish families, radios, and the average family owning the Turkish TVs to one machine for every ten people.
and diversify tourism in Turkey, Apart from tourism, the natural and cultural and tourist resorts to modern, there is archaeological tourism Greece and Romania the old, and there are Islamic monuments, which has characterized architecture old Turkish relatively, but it is one of the tourist destinations because they represent the glory era Turkish had been in his glory more than a century and a half decades. In it the great mosque and the bridge and museums, drawings, statues and palaces that are a source of pride for Turkey and magic for tourists.
There is a hesitant in Turkey, and believed by all who visited the springs in Turkey, namely, that tourism to Turkey without passing one of the hot springs tourism, mineral deficient, so most of the programs of Turkish tourism.
Among the programs include a visit even for hours to a natural hot baths, which are spread widely throughout Turkey, are found in every province of Turkey, in every corner of the country, but it was the main factor in the recovery of the tourism industry earlier in Turkey,
The about this spa and springs tourist hotels varied and numerous, and each of these baths special privileges, and characteristics of the natural temperature of the water from the springs fixed to 36 degrees Celsius, and contains many salts and minerals such as bicarbonate and calcium and magnesium, and these springs live fish are very small and not more than the length of the big ones to 10 cm, and the fish of great benefit to those suffering from skin diseases as they feed on human skin found stuck, and can their small size and small teeth to gain access to minute parts of appendages and the inside layers of human skin.
The cost of visiting these springs are not high cost, but a lot of tourism programs offered within the programs offered by the mass tourism, and be part of the overall cost.
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