About the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Babylon were testimony to the ability of one man to create a botanical oasis of beauty amid bleak desert landscape, against all laws of nature. Find King Nebuchadnezzar gardens as a sign of respect for his wife Simrames that, according to legend, was nice to forests, flowers and home. The gardens and surrounded by an intermediate Laketan the city and a water ditch to repel the invading armies. There remains doubt, however, between historians and archaeologists for the fact that there is this paradise never lost, as the excavation of Babylon did not find an impact believe it.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon one of the seven wonders of the world and was surrounded by a moat of water, which Nebuchadnezzar built the Queen Omiyetia which was eager for home gardens and Media. Was built almost 600 years BC. M. In Babylon in Iraq, the current
In the middle of the desert of Mesopotamia arid, Hanging Gardens of Babylon were testimony to the ability of one man to build an oasis of beauty botanical center blues desert landscape, against all the laws, And there is no doubt in the presence of parks, gardens are not actually hanging, also known as Semiramis hanging gardens.

The word Babylon means in Akkadian (the door of God) and for the outstanding gardens of 8 gates and was Ofajmha Ishtar Gate.

The garden of beauty and scenic splendor entering the fun and pleasure to the human heart when you look at them and planted all kinds of trees, vegetables, fruits and flowers and remain productive throughout the year and because of the trees Last summer and winter, and distributed by the statues of all sizes in all types of garden.

King has been used to build these gardens the prisoners who brought the Jews of the Levant at that time and enable them to work day and night,
There was a large statue of the Iraqi Museum represents this incident
But after the recent war were robbed of this statue is very large which is the first stolen from the Museum.

Find King Nebuchadnezzar gardens as a sign of respect for his wife Simrames that, according to legend, yearned for the forests, flowers and home. The gardens and surrounded by an intermediate Laketan the city and a water ditch to repel the invading armies.

And was named outstanding as they grew on the verandas of the palaces and the royal palace balcony in Babylon around 600 BC


Unknown said...

These photos are of Machu Picchu, Peru.....

Unknown said...

What a beautiful place to discover. I can see the glory of God. He gave the king wisdom to build this wonder.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful place to discover. I can see the glory of God. He gave the king wisdom to build this wonder.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful place to discover. I can see the glory of God. He gave the king wisdom to build this wonder.